Part One
Oh! This is the first one written by Douglas Adams!
This guy looks like Phil Spector.
I like Romana stealing the Doctor’s jelly babies.
These guards are worse shots than storm troopers.
Part Two
That robot falcon is amazing.
That air car looks a lot like a landspeeder from Star Wars.
I don’t think I’ve seen the sonic screwdriver in a while.
What a bunch of wankers! Mining other planets while people are alive on it.
Why do the stormtroopers shoot so high?
Part Three
:( K9 killed the falcon.
Part Four
YAR! Walk the plank ye doctor!
I like the Doctor’s little projector. I love that it just looks like a normal projector.
I also like the stormtrooper preemptively falling over in anticipation of those falling rocks.
Aww, Phil Spector is dead. At least he’ll be avenged, by grapthar’s hammer.