I’ve wanted to make a simple app for quite some time, but I have had a hard time learning Swift.
The Problem
I sometimes need to create an icon for my Munki repo. I often use SF Symbols when I do that, and it’s really easy. But I want to make it look more like a macOS icon. So I played with making an app that layered the SF Symbol over a coloured square with rounded corners. The problem was getting the image out of there.
Failed Solution
So instead I decided to ask Google Gemini to help me make it. It SUCKED!
I switched to ChatGPT and it did everything I needed… for the most part. There was quite a few things I had to manually change, but it figured out the logic to save the icon for me.

So it’s not that pretty, but it gets the job done. You enter the SF symbol you want, choose your two colours and click Share to get a share sheet (so you can text or airdrop it), or Export if you want to save it to macOS’ file system.
You can find the code and a dmg and app file at https://github.com/aanklewicz/SFIcons
Thanks! This will be handy.