I wish the robocall scandal would actually do anything, but I have little faith. Why? Well…
- In and Out Scandal (2006)
- Proroguing parliament (December 4, 2008)
- Afghan Detainee Issue (2009)
- Proroguing parliament (December 30, 2009)
- Government defends horrible actions by Helena Guergis and then throw her under the bus for reasons not made public. (2010)
- Bev Oda adding the word “not.” (2011)
- Contempt of Parliament (2011)
- Conservatives call Irving Cotler’s riding to sew confusion. (Dec. 2011)
I think that’s a good start to a list. I’m sure I missed a LOT more. What it shows is that nothing sticks.
Fabulous! I was looking for something like this.